Sinn Féin: Niall Ó Donnghaile confirms he sent inappropriate texts to teenager

Niall Ó Donnghaile has confirmed that he sent inappropriate texts to a teenager in September 2023, he was suspended from Sinn Fein, before he resigned from from the Seanad in December 2023 on health grounds.
Niall Ó Donnghaile. Pic: Sinn Féin

Former Mayor of Belfast and Senator, Niall Ó Donnghaile, has revealed that he sent inappropriate messages to a teenager in September 2023.

He resigned from the Seanad in December 2023, stating health concerns. At the time, Sinn Fein leader Mary Lou McDonald said, “I want to wish Niall Ó Donnghaile the very best for the future,”

“I hope that Niall can overcome the health challenges that he has had to deal with over the past number of months, and I wish him and his family the very best for the future.”

She also revealed in the Dáil Éireann on Tuesday that a second individual also came forward with details of ‘inappropriate messages’.

Ó Donnghaile told The Irish News:  “I have caused great embarrassment to myself, my family, friends and former colleagues – this was never my intention.”

“Since resigning from political and public life almost a year ago and now as a private citizen, my main focus has been on improving my mental health and also supporting a relative through a challenging period of ill-health – this remains my priority and I ask that I and all those concerned are allowed to move on, with our privacy respected.”

He was suspended from Sinn Féin on September 13, and the issue was referred to the Police Service of Northern Ireland and social services. There was no finding of illegality.

This is one of a number of recent controversies that have rocked Sinn Féin, following the revelation that two of their former press officers gave references for Michael McMonagle – who admitted to a number of child sex offences – who then gained a job with the British Heart Foundation.

Leader of the DUP, Gavin Robinson MP, said on X: “When Niall O’Donnghaile stepped down, he did so for health reasons. Mary Lou wished him well. SF enabled a graceful departure. They knew the real reason. The contempt and apparent cover up continues.”

UUP Deputy Leader, Robbie Butler MLA, said in a statement: “This latest set of revelations only enhance the importance of getting answers to the many unanswered questions facing Sinn Fein.

“At this point It is inconceivable not to expect the First Minister to address the Assembly to provide the clarity that has been, so far, missing.”

“It is particularly important that any such engagement from the First Minister MUST include a statement that identifies how many additional cases the party are aware of that involve, potential disciplinary action due to potential criminal activity or child or vulnerable person safeguarding issues.”

“For these issues to be disclosed, on an almost daily basis, is undermining confidence, not only in the ability  of Sinn Fein to hold any office of authority, both here and in the Republic of Ireland, but on the credibility of government in both jurisdictions. “

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