Complaints & Corrections

Northern Ireland Elects is dedicated to providing impartial, accurate, and insightful news for those interested in politics and elections across Northern Ireland. Our goal is to uphold the highest standards of journalism, ensuring that our coverage is balanced, reliable, and factual. However, we recognise that there may be occasions when our content does not fully meet these standards.

Submitting a Complaint or Requesting a Correction

If you believe any of our content contains inaccuracies, lacks impartiality, or falls short of our editorial standards, we encourage you to submit a complaint or request a correction. This may include factual errors, misleading information, biased coverage, or missing sources.

To help us address your concern effectively, please provide:

  • A link or reference to the article or post in question.
  • A clear description of the issue.
  • Any supporting evidence or sources that highlight the inaccuracy or concern.

Our Review Process

Once submitted, your complaint or correction request will be reviewed in line with our editorial guidelines and journalistic standards. If further clarification is needed, we may contact you.

Response Time

We aim to review all complaints and correction requests promptly and will provide a response within 14 days.

Complaints and correction requests can be submitted using the form below.

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