Sinn Féin release their 2024 general election manifesto

Sinn Féin candidates have launched their manifesto today in Belfast for the upcoming Westminster election on 4 July, titled "Strong leadership, positive change". We've taken the main points and laid them out for you.
Sinn Féin launch their general election manifesto today in Belfast. Image: Sinn Féin

Sinn Féin have today released their manifesto for the upcoming general election on July 4th.

Titled “Strong leadership, Positive change”, their manifesto contains five sections as well as two introductions from party president Mary Lou McDonald and vice-president Michelle O’Neill.

“Every day, Sinn Féin representatives are providing strong leadership and delivering positive change for communities across Ireland”, said Mary Lou McDonald.

“On day one after the Westminster election, Sinn Féin MPs will be working hard as part of a strong all-Ireland Sinn Féin team to deliver for all our people and communities”, she continued.

“So I am asking you to send a clear message in this election about what you want for the future. To vote for strong leadership and positive change.

“You have an opportunity to vote for decisions about your life and your future to be made here, at home”, said Michelle O’Neill.

“You are supporting better funding for our public services and rejecting years of Tory cuts which have impacted the people of the North.”

“And you are supporting a stronger economy, creating more well-paid jobs, and making childcare more accessible and affordable.”

Headline points

Strong Leadership

Sinn Féin say they are “committed to delivering effective government, progressive change, and good public services, working together with others in the Assembly, the Executive, and the North-South institutions.”

They want a “stronger and fairer economy that delivers good jobs that pay well, offers workers secure conditions, and supports local business”.

Flagship projects they name that have been committed to by the Executive are the expansion of Magee University, building the A5 and A6, and the redevelopment of Casement Park.

And they say that the Narrow Water Bridge and Ulster Canal “must be delivered”.

Delivering Positive Change

Sinn Féin points out that their MPs are part of “an all-Ireland team driving forward change on this island”.

They reference their abstentionist policy saying, “People want decisions about their lives and their future to be made here, at home, by locally accountable elected representatives and Ministers”.

“Dysfunction within British politics has brought us Brexit, austerity, a cost-of-living crisis, worsening poverty rates, the erosion of public services, and an appalling betrayal of victims.”

They say they are the only party to offer an all-island approach to deliver change.

Standing up for Public Services

Their manifesto says they are “committed to standing up for workers, families, rural and urban communities, to ensure they have access to first-class public services.”

Sinn Féin say they have “challenged the British Government under-funding of our public services”, and that they were “central to negotiating an enhanced financial package that enabled the restoration of the power-sharing institutions”.

They continue by saying that all Executive departments are underfunded by the Treasury, and again emphasise that “decision should be taken here by locally accountable Executive Ministers and not by Ministers in London who have repeatedly shown their disdain for our public services and workers.”

Planning for Constitutional Change

Sinn Féin lead this section of their manifesto saying that “partition has failed us all” and that the “Good Friday Agreement provides a peaceful and democratic pathway through a referendum process to achieve a new Ireland within the EU”.

They call on the Irish Government to “prepare for the future in a strategic and responsible fashion”, including establishing a Citizen’s Assembly to engage people in dialogue about the change.

“Resumption of full EU membership as a consequence of unity would hugely benefit the all-island economy.”

They say that both the Irish and British governments “must set a date for a referendum on Irish unity”.

Building a Society For All

They say that they are “committed to an inclusive and diverse society based on equal rights and equal opportunities for all citizens”.

“The scourge of violence against women and girls must be addressed and an Ending Violence Against Women and Girls’ (EVAWG) strategy must be delivered.”

Sinn Féin “vigorously oppose the provisions outlined in the British Government’s Legacy Act” and say that the mechanisms agreed at Stormont House should be implemented in a human rights compliant manner.

You can read Sinn Féin’s full election manifesto below, or by clicking here.

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