Eddie Thompson is co-opted to seat on Ards and North Down Council by DUP

The Democratic Unionist Party have selected Eddie Thompson as their new councillor for Bangor East and Donaghadee on Ards and North Down Council, following Janice McArthur stepping down.

The Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) has selected Eddie Thompson as their new councillor for Bangor East and Donaghadee.

He has been co-opted to Ards and North Down Council following the resignation of Janice McArthur.

Thompson has served on the council, from its formation in 2014, until 2019. He ran for election in 2019 but failed to get elected.

Interim DUP leader Gavin Robinson MP met with David Thompson to congratulate him on his new role.

Speaking on his selection, Eddie Thompson said, “I am honoured to be co-opted as a Councillor. I will be on the doors over the coming weeks working hard for the people of Bangor East and Donaghadee. I look forward to continuing the work of my predecessor Janice MacArthur on the ground, and as a member of the Sir Samuel Kelly Lifeboat Preservation Group I will continue to work with management and Council to promote the development of this important historic and tourism project for Donaghadee.

“The DUP has a strong team of Councillors on Ards and North Down and I look forward to playing my part in getting the best deal for rate-payers.

“We can build stronger and safer communities by targeting Council spending on what really matters such as the regeneration and ensuring rates are used efficiently. Working families are already heavily taxed and I want to ensure they are getting services that represent value for money.”

DUP leader Gavin Robinson MP said, “I congratulate Eddie on this new role. I know he will work tirelessly to deliver for the people of Bangor East and Donaghadee. Eddie previously represented parts of this DEA and has an enduring connection with it. During that period he worked with the Donaghadee Steering Group and Council to plan and deliver a new Public Realm Scheme which is now complete. Whether it is Ballycopeland Windmill or other local issues, Eddie has a proven track record of campaigning and never giving up.

Our goal for every council is to deliver the best services at the lowest possible cost to rate-payers. That means focusing on what really matters to the ratepayers of Ards and North Down.”

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