How did Northern Ireland’s MPs vote on Boris Johnson’s Partygate Report?

The vote was held in Parliament on 19 June 2023, with 354 ayes, and 7 noes.

On Monday 19 June, MPs voted on the report that was produced by the privileges committee that recommended banning Boris Johnson from having a pass to access parliament, something which is normally available to former MPs.

Boris Johnson resigned as an MP on Friday 9 June, stating this report as the reason. He said: “It is very sad to be leaving parliament – at least for now – but above all I am bewildered and appalled that I can be forced out, anti-democratically, by a committee chaired and managed, by [the Labour MP] Harriet Harman, with such egregious bias”

All eight of the DUP MPs did not vote.

Alliance’s one MP, Stephen Farry, voted in favour of the report.

The SDLP’s Colum Eastwood also voted in support of the report. Claire Hanna, the SDLP’s other MP has no vote recorded. However, she did put out a tweet before the vote which you can see below, where she says: “Hope this vote starts the end of his toxic influence on life. Not speaking in the debate tonight but for the record, am happy to stand over these comments I made 3 years ago”

No Sinn Féin MPs took part in the vote due to their policy of abstention.

The total votes were 354 ayes, and 7 noes.

Only seven MPs voted not to support the committee’s findings, all of which are members of the Conservative Party:

Sir William Cash, Nick Fletcher, Adam Holloway, Karl McCartney, Joy Morrissey, Sir Desmond Swayne and Mrs Heather Wheeler.

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