Chris Quinn appointed Commissioner for Children and Young People

The new Commissioner for Children and Young People has been announced as Chris Quinn.

The current Director of the Northern Ireland Youth Forum, Chris Quinn, has been appointed as Commissioner for Children and Young People.

Chris has managed the NI Youth Forum since taking up the post in 2008. He has managed the organisation through the review of public administration and supported young people to lead the youth forum through a changing policy and funding environment.

He has also worked to establish a Northern Ireland Youth Assembly, lobbying for votes at 16 and prioritising the needs of young people who experience inequality and disadvantage.

Chris graduated from Ulster University with a Postgraduate Masterss Degree focusing on youth participation in decision making.

The appointment was made by the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, Chris Heaton-Harris, in the absence of an executive.

Chris Quinn will take up his new post on 18 September 2023.

The Head of the Civil Service in Northern Ireland, Jayne Brady, welcomed the announcement and said:

“I want to congratulate Chris on his appointment.  The role of Children’s Commissioner is vital in safeguarding and promoting the rights and best interests of our children and young people.

“I believe that Chris has all the skills and experience needed to take forward this important work and I want to wish him every success when he takes up his post.

“I also want to express my gratitude to the outgoing Children’s Commissioner Koulla Yiasouma. The energy, drive and passion she brought to the role ensured she was at the forefront of championing children and young people’s issues in Northern Ireland for many years.”

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